Types of Pet Vaccines
When it comes to dogs and cats, there are two types of vaccines available to meet their needs: core vaccines and non-core vaccines. Core vaccines are those that are typically recommended universally for all dogs and cats. They protect against serious and even potentially fatal illnesses, such as rabies. Non-core vaccines, on the other hand, aren’t necessary for every pet; they’re only recommended if a pet’s risk of being exposed to a certain illness is high. The Lyme disease (tick-borne) vaccine is an example of a non-core vaccine. It’s typically recommended in the warmer months for dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors and/or near bushes, where ticks can live.
Core Pet Vaccines We Offer
The following are some of the most common core vaccines that we recommend for our patients here at Warrick Veterinary Clinic:
- Rabies
- Canine hepatitis
- Canine distemper
- Canine parvovirus
- Canine parainfluenza
- Canine influenza*
- Feline distemper
- Feline calicivirus
- Feline herpes virus type I
* We’re pleased to carry the bivalent influenza vaccine, which immunizes pets to both the H3N2 and H3N8 flu strains. Symptoms of canine influenza include coughing, sneezing, fever, lethargy, and nasal and ocular discharge. This virus is airborne and very contagious, and can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours. Pets that board, go to a groomer, go to daycare, or visit the dog park are at a much higher risk of becoming infected, and should be vaccinated. Your pet will need a booster shot within 3 weeks of their first flu injection.