Signs of Dog Allergies in Warrick County, IN
Do you think your dog might have allergies? Allergies are very common in dogs, and they range from seasonal allergies to food allergies and everything in between.
If you think your dog could have allergies, it’s important to pay attention to their symptoms. From there, you can narrow down what the possible issue could be and determine the type of allergy they are suffering from. Your veterinarian will be able to give you more information about treating and managing allergies in your dog based on their specific health needs. Read on to find out more. If you have any questions, call Warrick Veterinary Clinic in Newburgh at (812) 853-6041 or Boonville at (812) 897-4855.

Sneezing and Coughing
Just like humans, dogs who have seasonal or pollen allergies are likely to develop sneezing and coughing as symptoms. Sneezing may present itself as normal sneezes or as reverse sneezing, which is sort of like a honking, snorting type of sneeze. Dogs may sneeze for non-health related reasons too, however.
Coughing may occur in dogs with allergies, but it is more common with health problems such as kennel cough. If your dog is coughing with no other allergy-type symptoms, they may have a viral or bacterial infection, so take them to the vet for a full checkup right away.
Watery Eyes and Runny Nose
Seasonal and pollen allergies may also cause your dog to develop watery eyes. If your dog’s eyes are watery and slightly red along with other symptoms listed here, allergies are probably the cause. However, if your dog has eye symptoms that don’t match up with the others on this list, there could be an eye infection or some other problem going on instead.
A runny nose is also a sign of allergies in dogs. Discharge from the nose is most common with allergies, but it can also be related to the inhalation of a foreign object into the nasal passageways. If you think there is any risk of this, call the vet right away.
Upset Stomach
Dogs with food allergies may develop an upset stomach and may have frequent diarrhea if they are continually fed the food they are allergic to. If your dog has food allergies, you will need to change their diet to something that does not contain the type of food causing the allergy.
Your dog may vomit sometimes from food allergies, but this is very uncommon. Vomiting is often associated with other ailments instead. If your dog vomits only once and seems fine afterward, this is nothing to worry about, but if they vomit often, you should contact the vet.
Itchy Skin
Dogs with seasonal and pollen allergies as well as dogs with contact allergies may all develop itchy skin. Itchy skin can even sometimes be a part of food allergies for some dogs. If your dog seems to be scratching more than normal, this could mean they’re dealing with some type of allergy.
Frequent, excessive scratching can also mean your dog has fleas, however. Check their skin carefully by parting their hair in several different locations and looking for fleas or flea dirt. If you spot anything, treat them for fleas right away.
Swelling in response to a bite or sting from an insect, arachnid, or snake means that your dog is allergic to that particular creature. If your dog swells at the site of the bite, this is not a severe reaction, but it should be considered moderate and should be carefully monitored.
If, however, your dog begins to swell in the face, snout, or neck area, you should take them to the emergency vet right away. This may mean your dog is dealing with anaphylactic shock and is having a severe, dangerous allergic reaction to the bite or sting.
Poor Coat Condition
Finally, a dog with food allergies may have a poor coat. Your dog’s hair or fur may look drab, dull, and thin if they have a food allergy, and it may fall out in patches depending on the severity of the allergy as well.
Your dog’s skin and coat are closely linked with their overall health, so you should take care of their food allergy if you notice this symptom. By feeding your dog a food that they aren’t allergic to, you should be able to help their coat go back to normal in a short time.
These are just some of the common conditions that may be associated with allergies in your dog. Depending on the type of allergy your dog has, you may notice some or all of these symptoms, or you may not notice any. It’s important to pay attention to any changes in your dog’s health to help you determine whether or not allergies could be the cause.
As always, with any questions or concerns about your pet’s health, ask your vet for more information and specific recommendations for your dog. There is also allergy testing available to determine what environmental or dietary allergies your pet may have. Call us today in Newburgh at (812) 853-6041 or Boonville at (812) 897-4855.